I’ve Got Your Back (Anti-Bullying)


High School assembly that includes a discussion on cyber-bullying

In this talk, Jim breaks down bullying in two key elements.  One, he encourages students to have the strength and belief in themselves not to “Surrender” their pride, self-worth nor dignity to people that bully them.  Secondly, he tells stories that touch the students’ hearts so they think about how they talk to and treat others.  Our words are a reflection of who we are and we should respect ourselves to treat others with kindness.  He addresses accepting others for their differences whether it is social, economic, race or sexual orientation.

He teaches the students the importance of being an Upstander and not a bystander.  He empowers them to have each other’s back and look out for each other.  By high school, students have heard or feel they have heard all these messages before.  The reason WHY Jim’s program is so effective, is because he engages students and connects with them so they feel he is talking “To” them and “Not” at them.  If you have a great message, but don’t connect with your audience you have failed to make a difference.  Jim’s program will make a difference not only with your students but with your staff.