Jim Basketball Jones offers exciting, engaging school assembly programs that provide important life lessons for elementary school students in an entertaining format. From character education to growth mindset to anti-bullying programs, Jim has endless elementary school assembly ideas.


Anti-Bully School Assembly


“Be An Upstander”

Jim’s anti-bullying school assembly focuses on kindness, inclusion and tolerance. Students learn how to be an “Upstander” and stand up and include others. This is a fun and engaging assembly that truly focuses on KINDNESS. Students will be encourage to “Do Something” kind and take action to support other students. Jim will tailor his presentation to your school’s needs and your schools current anti-bullying program if applicable.

"In my 20 years of being an elementary principal, I have never offered to write a letter of recommendation for an assembly...However, that was before Jim "Basketball" Jones visited our school.  I can only echo what several told me: 'That was the best assembly we have every had.'"


George Dean - Principal - Wooster City Schools - Wooster, OH


PBIS School Assembly


“Do the Right Thing, The Right Way”

In this PBIS School Assembly, Jim will emphasize Your School’s PBIS traits throughout the program. He will also give students a chance to demonstrate being Respectful, Responsible and Safe through interactive games and activities. Frequently, this is an Award Assembly, so Jim will make sure the students feel accomplished and have a great time engaging with the assembly.

"Your presentation has once again left us in awe. The way you weave entertainment and education together is the mark of a master teacher. You teach valuable life lessons in such a fun way the students hardly know they're learning.  We will all take away many important values from today's assembly including but not limited to: Do the right thing, learn from your mistakes and you are in control of your own effort."


Lisa Fenchel - Principal - Meadows Elementary - Novi, MI

Growth Mindset School Assembly

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“The Power of Yet”

This is a powerful assembly about having a Growth Mindset. Students will learn that it is okay to make mistakes and how to persevere. One of Jim’s saying is “We all learn over time with practice if we don’t quit.” The students will meet a 3’ stuffed Yeti that is a featured character from Jim’s #1 Best Selling Children’s Book “Bouncy and The Power of Yet”. This is a fun and engaging assembly that will inspire and empower students to keep trying and persevere.

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"We were THRILLED to have Jim "Basketball" Jones at our school today.  What a high impact, POWERFUL message for the kids.   We will never forget his meaning of PERSEVERANCE and POSITIVE KINDNESS!"


Michelle Allen - Principal - E.P Clarke Elementary School - St. Joseph, MI

Leadership School Assembly


“Leadership School Assembly”

In this assembly Jim will incorporate the principles of the Leader in Me or PAX leadership programs within his fun and engaging assembly. Students will learn about taking action (Be Proactive), planning (Keeping the end in mind), priorities (Putting first things first), etc. Jim has included these principle in his assembly for over 20 years and has been easily able to support schools whether are just implementing their program or they are a Lighthouse School. Students will get a chance to participate and show their leadership skills in this fun and engaging assembly.

"So MUCH fun!! THANK YOU Jim "Basketball" Jones! We LOVE you here at Mason Leadership School!"


Renee Brown - Mason Leadership School - Canton, Ohio

Reading School Assembly


“Bounce into a Good Book”

This assembly Jim will share his Children Books and talk about the importance of reading. Students will get a chance to get up and participate in fun activities while learning about the themes in his books: self-esteem, friendship, growth mindset and breaking down learning. Jim will share his powerful personal story of growing up in Special Education as a struggling reader. How hard he had to work to learn to read. Jim went from having a 2nd grade reading level in high school to graduating at the top of his class in college. This is an inspirational assembly that empowers students to keep reading.

“We have had Jim visit our school for 10 years in a row; he never fails to excite the students, staff and parents.  One great message for all ages and groups!  Jim will be back again next year; the kids just love his energy and comedy.” 


Bob Newvine - Ojibwa Elementary School - Macomb, MI

State Test Motivation

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“Bust That Test”

The demand for Jim’s motivational test taking assembly is so high, schools must call early to reserve a slot near state testing time. In this program, Jim breaks down how test taking can be a “Piece of Cake” and schools have noticed the student’s improvement. Your students will learn test taking strategies, listening skills, and methods to increase focus. Most importantly Jim will motivate your students to give their best effort. Busting this state test takes a team effort and we need EVERYBODY'S best effort and attitude to reach our potential.

“89% of our 6th graders improved 5 points of more, while 84% of the 7th grade improved 5 points or more.  98% of the 6th grade improved by at least one point, and 100% of the 7th grade improved by at least one point!  Thank you for the ‘Piece of Cake’ idea.”


Mrs. Kochell - Covington Middle School - Covington, IN


Build Your Assembly

Frequently schools like their assembly to incorporate multiple messages and themes. This is great. Jim can incorporate the specific messages that your school wants. Please check what messages are most important to your school and Jim will custom make your assembly to fit your needs. Schools love this option, because the assembly fits exactly what they are focusing on in the school. Jim will include your school’s slogan, saying or your exact theme.