Jim and Parker offer dynamic and impactful Elementary School Programs

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Growth Mindset Assembly

“The Power of Yet” 

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This is a powerful assembly about having a Growth Mindset. Students will learn perseverance and that it is okay to make mistakes. The students will meet “Yeti,” who is a featured character from Jim’s #1 Best Selling Children’s Book: Bouncy and The Power of Yet. This is a fun and engaging assembly that will inspire and empower students to keep trying and persevere. LEARN MORE

"Absolutely the best assembly we have ever had! The children were engaged and motivated by him!!! Thank you!!!"

- Nicole Roesel

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PBIS Assembly

“Be Kind and Do the Right Thing” 

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Whether you are a PBIS school or not, this is a great assembly that emphasizes Kindness, Being Respectful and Working Hard. If applicable, Jim will emphasize Your School’s PBIS traits throughout the assembly. This assembly, with a particular emphasis on kindness, helps build a sense of school community. Jim will also give students a chance to demonstrate being kind and doing the right thing through interactive games and activities. If this is a PBIS Reward Assembly, Jim will make sure the students feel accomplished. Either way, they’ll have a great time participating in the assembly.

"It was the best assembly I have seen in 30 years as an educator. No matter where you are in implementing PBIS with your staff and students, Jim Basketball Jones will add tremendous value to your school program."

- Diane Jackson Longstreth

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Anti-Bully Assembly

“Be anUPstander” 

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Jim’s anti-bullying school assembly focuses on kindness, inclusion and tolerance. Students learn how to be an “UpStander,” standing up for and including others. This is a fun and engaging assembly that focuses on KINDNESS. Students will be encouraged to “Do Something Kind” and take action to support other students. Jim will tailor his presentation to your school’s needs and current anti-bullying program.

"I have taught for 21 years and have seen dozens of motivational speakers. You were by far the best!!!"

- Robin Phares  - Hamilton, OH

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Leadership Assembly

“I am a Leader” 

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In this Leadership School Assembly Jim will incorporate the principles of the Leader in Me or PAX leadership programs. Students will learn about taking action (Be Proactive), planning (Keeping the end in mind), priorities (Putting first things first), and more. Jim has included these principles in his assembly for over 20 years and has supported schools regardless of whether they are just implementing their program or are a Lighthouse School. Students get a chance to participate and show their leadership skills in this fun and engaging assembly.

"HOW FUN WAS THAT!! Thank you Jim "Basketball" Jones! We love you here at Mason Leadership School!"

Renee Brown - Principal - Mason Leadership School - Canton, OH

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State Testing Motivation Assembly

“Bust That Test” 

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The demand for Jim’s State Test Motivation Assembly is so high schools call early to reserve a slot near state testing time. In this assembly Jim breaks down how test taking can be a “Piece of Cake” and schools have noticed their students’ improvement. Your students will learn test taking strategies, listening skills, and methods to increase focus. Most importantly, Jim will motivate your students to give their best effort. Busting this state test takes a team effort and we need EVERYBODY'S best effort and attitude to reach our potential.

"89% of our 6th graders improved 5 points of more, while 84% of the 7th grade improved 5 points or more. 98% of the 6th grade improved by at least one point, and 100% of the 7th grade improved by at least one point! Thank you for the ‘Piece of Cake idea."

- Mrs. Kochell Covington, IN

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Reading Assembly

“Bounce Into A Good Book” 

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The Reading School Assembly will focus on the importance of creating good reading habits and daily reading. Students will get a chance to be creative in fun activities that reinforce effort and a Growth Mindset. Jim will share his Amazon Best Selling children’s picture books that focus on friendship, self-esteem, effort and learning with patience. Jim will also share his personal story growing up as a Special Education student and being dyslexic which made learning to read very challenging. Jim persevered and even though he had only a second grade reading level in high school, he eventually graduated at the top of his class in college. This is an inspirational assembly that empowers students to keep reading.

"You are an inspiration to us all; your message is of hope and the possibilities that each of us can reach our goals with hard work and determination."

Bob Egelkraut - Student Support Specialist - Lamora Park School - Battle Creek, MI 

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Why Schools Invest in Jim’s Programs

Fun and Engaging: Schools love how fun and engaging Jim’s programs are for both the students and teachers. Everybody leaves happy and refreshed. 

Powerful Message: Jim is constantly reading and researching current developments and principles in character education. Plus, Jim will customize his message to fit your school’s needs. 

Audience Management: Schools absolutely LOVE Jim’s audience management and frequently comment that even the students that never can stay in any assembly do well in his assembly. His audience participation and engagement is second to none.  Schools love how engaged gets the students. He will have your students engaged from entrance to exit and every moment in between.  

Magical Moments: Schools have been amazed by Jim’s awareness and empathy when picking and working with students. He finds kids that really need an uplifting and positive moment and he delivers. 

Low Maintenance: Jim’s program are 45-50 minutes with easy set-up (15 min.) It makes it easier for you plus your gym or performance space won’t be tied up all day with equipment. Frequently, Jim will set up along the wall while PE class is still being taught.