I’ve Got Your Back: Anti-bullying Middle School that includes a discussion on cyber-bullying
Be an "UpStander"
In this talk, Jim breaks down bullying in two key elements. One, he encourages students to have the strength and belief in themselves not to “Surrender” their pride, self-worth nor dignity to people that bully them. Secondly, he tells stories that touch the students’ hearts so they think about how they talk to and treat others. "Our words are a reflection of who we are and we should respect ourselves to treat others with kindness."
He teaches the students the importance of being an "Upstander" and not a bystander. He empowers them to have each other’s back and look out for each other. Middle school can be a challenging time in students’ life and bullying is a serious topic at schools. Many schools book Jim because he can connect with students in a fun way, but has the ability to address a serious subject with compassion and conviction. His anti-bullying presentation is powerful, uplifting and life changing.
“Thank you for a fabulous assembly on May 4th! Middle schoolers can be a challenging crowd to impress, and yet you did so! Your wit, wisdom & message were well received among students and staff. I’m a huge fan!“
Kari Diaz - Counselor - Almont Middle School - Almont, MI
What your Students will Learn:
Applying Kindness - Knowing what it takes to be kind is great, but when we apply kindness and take action - then we truly make a difference in our lives and the ones around us.
Be an "UpStander" - An "UpStander" is someone who has the backs of others. They are aware of their surroundings and they are committed to making others feel important.
We All Matter - Everybody brings something special to your school. We can be our BEST only when EVERYBODY gets involved and buys in to being an "UpStander".
School is FUN! - School is a fun safe place for you to be the best version of yourself. Be creative and allow others to be the best version of themselves.
""You are the kid's favorite guest. You have just the right mixture of message and entertainment and your involvement of the audience is wonderful."
Beth Phelps - Principal - Roosevelt Middle School - Newark, OH
This Assembly is Great For:
Start of the Year Celebration: Get the year started off right with a fun, engaging, and powerful message.
Red Ribbon Week: A fun and engaging assembly to help your school celebrate national Red Ribbon Week.
Anti-Bully Month: October is the most demanded month for Jim "Basketball" Jones. This month sells out of single year. Book your show early.
Kick off Celebration: Implementing a new character program or message? Jim will customize his message to work with any new program or message that your school in implementing.
End of the Year Celebration: A great conclusion to another successful school year to have fun with a important message to learn before summer.
"I have taught for 21 years and have seen dozens of motivational speakers. You were by far the best!!!
Robin Phares - Edgewood Middle School - Hamilton, OH
Which assembly should I choose...
Jim will customize your school assembly to meet the needs of your school. This is a investment for your students and staff so make it the way you want it. If you like messages for Character Education, but also want to touch on Anti-Bully Education; we are happy to accommodate both. If you are celebrating Reading month, but would like Jim to share his message on "Applying Kindness", we have you covered. Being able to adjust and customize his message is what makes a Jim "Basketball" Jones school assembly a truly unique experience.